Hi! I’m James, senior photographer and owner of Blue Prince Photography. I would like to welcome you to this corner of the web, and give you just a little bit about me, and ultimately, us.

In 1988, at 11 years old, I built my first camera for a science fair project. It was made out of two shoeboxes, a few pieces of folded posterboard, some duct tape, and a can of flat-black spray paint. I also turned my 2 foot by 4 foot closet into a darkroom to develop and transfer films onto paper. This was all before Google.
I shot 110 and 35mm with cheap point’n’shoots, until the digital revolution where I was an early adopter. I inherited some very old Nikon hardware from my grandmother, and when the DSLR market took off, some of those lenses were super effective. That is what put me on the path I now walk.

Since that time, I served in the Army, which took me to the East Coast for the better part of 20 years before we could relocate to the glorious PNW, and settle in the Portland area. Some of my children have caught the shutterbug, too, and my son sometimes shoots with us. As we became semi-empty nesters, we returned to Indianapolis.

We live in northwest Indianapolis (Trader’s Point area), but have studio access in Indianapolis, Carmel, Lafayette, and Kokomo. I love getting out into nature, though. Landscape and nature photography doesn’t pay the bills, but it does let me find fantastic sites to shoot beautiful people in beautiful places.